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What weā€™re about

Brooklyn Pickup Soccer is a Brooklyn Based coed soccer group that plays year-round. Founded by John Thomas in 2008, this group has grown and evolved to over 10,000 members, hosting numerous pickup games all over Brooklyn. Everyone is welcome to attend (so long as people RSVP and respect our rules). Games tend to play on an intermediate level to semi professional level.
Each session has a per player fee of $2-$3. A small part of this fee goes to cover our overhead (e.g., dues, equipment upgrades, laundry, etc.).
If you're interested in becoming an organizer (by helping out with existing sessions or hosting a new game in your particular area of BK), please reach out to the leadership team (Mike B or Bram).
See you out on the pitch!
Please Note: Brooklyn Pickup Soccer is not liable for any injuries that may occur while playing. By RSVPing to attend our games, you accept full responsibility of your person and belongings, waiving any right to hold the group responsible.

Upcoming events (4+)

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